Kickstarters We Love

Kickstarters We Love

Kickstarter is all about supporting things you think are, or can be, awesome. And while we’re overjoyed that you’ve put your vote of awesomeness in our corner, we’ve got our eyes on some other projects we think are just as worthy:

Obduction by Cyan, Inc

The makers of MYST and Riven are back!

The Dice Vault: A Handcrafted Wooden Case for Gaming Dice

These are amazing! We’ve partnered with them for some goodies for our Grand Master pledge level, too!

Joe Decker’s Iceland Nature Photography Portfolio

Joe is a master of his craft, and his pictures from Iceland bring out the stark, brilliant beauty of the place.

The Great Way trilogy by Harry Connolly

Epic fantasy from a supremely talented author


And you thought Myst was retro…

Way of the Tiger Gamebooks

Classic game books returned to glory

The Phoenix Project: City of Titans

We miss City of Heroes, too.

Maggie and the Sprinkle Tree

Candy growing trees!


Complex mazes and puzzles? Count us in!

Chronos LARP System

A unique universal system for Live Action Role Playing

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